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About the podcast

Creepy Friends podcast is a true crime and paranormal podcast hosted by two friends, Amanda and Connor.  It is those late night conversations you have with your friends that leave you with goosebumps.  We talk about anything from serial killers to the supernatural.  Grab some coffee and have a chat with your creepy friends. (placeholder) 


At the age of 7, Amanda could be found hiding in bushes around her house, only to jump out of them to scare the neighborhood kids.  She would play hide-n-seek in full military fatigues and her spooky stories were often the cause of her friend's nightmares at sleep overs.  Everyone thought that Amanda would grow out of her weird ways, however the older she got, the creepier she got.  True crime and the paranormal have always fascinated her, she just likes the feeling of being creeped out! Her curiosity of all things unexplained have got the best of her a few times when go ghost haunting around her home town of Tucson, AZ.  When meeting new people her icebreaker questions are, "Do you have any ghost stories?" or "Who is your favorite serial killer?".   She has been told more than once at work to minimize creepy pastas and loves watching a scary movie. Amanda is the type of person who use to drive with a Ouija board in the trunk of her car because you never know when you might need one. If she isn't researching serial killers and ghost stories. Amanda can be found cuddling her horde of dogs or playing video games.

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Growing up, Connor was always into horror films. He would beg his parents to let him watch the latest and greatest horror film around. He loved the feeling of being scared, of experiencing the thrill of the "supernatural". The taste in horror didn't phase out however. Some of his favorite past times were sitting with his grandmother and watching reruns of Forensic Files for hours on end. Throughout High School, Connor loved reading mysteries and true crime novels, Truman Capotes In Cold Blood was his first serial killer novel that he read, and is still to this day one of the most chilling books he has encountered. The thing that intrigues Connor the most is how everybody has new and exciting stories to tell about ghosts, about their favorite true crime documentary. He loves hearing what people have to say about similar stories he has heard, or what their favorite documentaries are on the topic. When he's not purposely scaring himself reading up on different hauntings and crime conspiracies, Connor can be found playing video games or drinking inappropriate amounts of coffee.

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